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1: Title

The name of the Club is Mersey Valley Golf & Country Club.

2: Proprietary Club

The Club is a proprietary Club trading as Mersey Valley Golf & Country Club (MVG&CC)

3: Operation of the Club

All aspects of the golf club fall within the remit of the General Manager.

4: Memberships:

There will be six categories of membership:  Seven-Day, Seven-Day Joint, Five-Day, Five-Day Joint, Junior, Intermediate.  The membership year will commence from each individual member’s official date of joining and be renewable after twelve months.  Membership shall be at the sole discretion of the General Manager. Her/his decision shall be final and no reason for refusing any membership application need be given.

Acceptance of membership is an agreement to abide by the Club Rules, including payment of joining fees and annual subscriptions as referred to in Rule 6. A member will remain as such until he/she resigns, or his/her membership is suspended or terminated pursuant to Rules, 6, 7 or 8.

5: Membership categories

Seven-Day Membership

Seven-Day members shall be entitled to enjoy the use of the golf course and Clubhouse at all times.

Seven-Day Joint Membership

This applies to two partners living at the same address.  They will be entitled to enjoy the use of the golf course and Clubhouse at all times.

Five-Day Membership

Five-Day members will be entitled to enjoy the use of the golf course and Clubhouse on any weekday, but shall only have the right to enjoy the use of the Clubhouse facilities, and NOT the golf course, on Saturdays or Sundays, other than as a paying visitor or guest of a seven-day member.

Five-Day Joint Membership

This applies to two partners living at the same address.  They will be entitled to enjoy the use of the golf course and Clubhouse on any weekday but shall only have the right to enjoy the use of the Clubhouse facilities, and NOT the golf course, on Saturdays or Sundays, other than as a paying visitor or guest of a seven-day member.

Junior Membership      Junior members must be under the age of 18 when joining or at the date of membership renewal.  They shall be entitled to enjoy the use of the golf course and Clubhouse (except those prohibited under the Licensing Acts) subject to any additional restrictions as may be determined from time to time by the General Manager.

Intermediate Membership

Intermediate members must be between the age of 18 and 29 and provide proof of age when joining, or at the date of membership renewal. 

6. Joining Fees and Annual Subscriptions

Membership joining fees and subscription fees are fixed by the General Manager and reviewed annually.  They may be altered at any time with immediate effect.  Members are notified in writing of any change with a minimum of two-weeks’ notice.

Annual subscriptions shall become payable from the date of joining and annually thereafter on the anniversary of the member’s joining date.

Any member failing to pay annual subscriptions within one calendar month of the due date shall be deemed to have resigned and may only be reinstated at the discretion of the General Manager and subject to payment of all outstanding debts.

All joining fees and annual subscriptions shall be payable together with VAT assessed thereon.  In the event of a member ceasing to be a member during any membership year any partial refund of the membership fees for that year shall be entirely at the discretion of the General Manager.  Once a member has been admitted, the Club shall not be obliged to refund any part of the joining fee in any circumstances.

7. Suspension of Membership

Membership shall only be suspended if requested in writing, for pregnancy, or physical incapacity through long-term injury or illness if supported by medical evidence at the time.  Membership suspension for any of the above reasons is permitted for a minimum of three months and a maximum of six months in any twenty-four-month period.  In such cases the member will continue to pay the fees, which will be extended on their membership period.

8. Termination of Membership

Membership may only be terminated by the member at the end of a contracted membership period by giving no less than 30 days’ written notice.   

The General Manager reserves the right to refuse admission and/or suspend or expel any member forthwith in any member in the opinion of the General Manager cause nuisance, annoyance, breech any rules or terms and conditions of membership or for any other reason that the General Manager deems inappropriate.  Any member whose membership is suspended by the General Manager shall remain liable for all subscription payments.  In the event of any dispute, the General Manager’s decision will be final.

9. The Club Committee

Functions of the Committee

The Club Committee represents the interests of all membership categories. All matters concerning Club competitions, Inter-Club matches and members’ handicaps shall be vested in the Club Committee. The General Manager shall decide the structure of the Club Committee and Executive Committee. In addition to the powers specifically conferred on the Committee by these rules, the Club Committee shall have such additional functions as the General Manager may from time-to-time delegate to it. An elected Committee (sub-Committee) member may only hold one post at any one time unless previously agreed by the Executive Committee. If a post is referred to as an ex-officio post; such post holder(s) have no voting rights.

Committee Rules                                                                                      

  1. Sub-Committees

The Club Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-Committees for such purposes and with such powers as may be necessary or desirable and may nominate any members, whether a member of the Committee or not, to serve on such sub-Committees.  The Club Captain and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees. Sub-Committee posts are as listed in the Committee Structure agreed by the Executive Committee.

  1. Committee meetings

Five voting members of the Club Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of any Committee meeting, which shall be held monthly at such times, as they shall decide.  The Secretary shall at any time summon a meeting of the Committee if required to do so by two or more members of the Committee.  Subject to these rules, the Committee and each sub-Committee shall regulate their own procedures. Sub-Committee meetings require that three voting members must attend to constitute a quorum and validate a meeting. A Chair will have full voting rights, and, in the event of a tied vote, his/her vote will also be the casting vote.

The Secretary shall, at any time, form a sub-committee consisting of at least three Committee or sub-committee members in order to deal with any matter considered to require urgent attention (e.g. report of alleged breach of competition rules affecting the result, appeals against handicap reduction).

  1. Number of Club Committee Members

The Club Committee will comprise of; Club Captain, Club Vice Captain, Immediate Past Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Ladies Chair, Seniors’ Chair, Club Competition Secretary, Assistant Competition Secretary, Club Handicap Secretary, Course/Rules representative & Junior Organiser. Committee Members will be elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and have full voting rights. To ensure continuity, a maximum of three (3) members may be seconded to the Committee/sub-committee in an “ex-officio” capacity for a period of 12 months, to “shadow” specific roles with a view to assuming the role when it becomes vacant, and acquire a fuller understanding of Committee procedures.   

  1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will comprise of no more than six (6) Committee members and will meet with the General Manager, or representative of the General Manager, bi-monthly. A meeting will normally take place during the week following a Committee meeting. The General Manager will determine the membership of this Committee which will initially consist of Club Captain, Secretary, Club Competition Secretary, Ladies Chair and Seniors Chair and Course/Rules representative.

  1. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in the Clubhouse, or at such a place that the Committee shall determine, on the second Friday in February.  Not less than 10 days’ notice shall be given on the Lounge notice board of such meetings. Members submitting a written question to the meeting MUST attend the meeting and may ask two supplementary questions to the reply offered.

  1.     Extra-ordinary General Meetings

Extra-ordinary General Meetings of the Club pertaining to matters appropriate to Committee’s responsibilities, may be called by the Secretary when directed by the Committee, or within 14 days of receipt of a requisition signed by not less than 50 members of the Club, stating the object for which the meeting is to be called and, in connection therewith, similar notices to the Annual General Meeting shall be posted.  Those members signing the requisition MUST attend the Extra Ordinary General meeting.

  1.   Quorum

Twenty-five members shall form a quorum at the Club Annual General Meeting. Twenty shall form a quorum at a Senior Section General Meeting. Ten shall form a quorum at a Ladies Section General Meeting.  In respect of all voting issues a majority will consist of 50% plus 1; the Chairs of the relevant meetings will hold the casting vote in the event of a tied vote – see rule 9 XI1. 

  1. Election of Officers

The positions of Committee Secretary and Committee Treasurer are the Officer posts, open to members of either gender, and shall be elected by the membership for a period of three years at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.

  1. Other Members of the Committee

Other members of the Committee shall be elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting and will hold office for three years, after which they will be eligible for re-election.  Approximately one-third of the Committee shall retire each year in rotation; all will be eligible for re-election. 

  1. Election of Club Captain/Vice Captain 

Members seeking election for these posts must have a minimum of two years continuous membership of the club at the date of the appropriate Annual General Meeting. They must submit a nomination form completed and signed by the nominee and his/her sponsors in a sealed envelope addressed to the Secretary by the published closing date. Prior to consideration by the Captaincy Selection Committee, the list of nominees shall be placed before the General Manager or a senior representative of the General Manager for consideration prior to publication. The General Manager has the right to veto any nominee believed to be unsuitable; no reason for the veto need be given.

A short list of nominees acceptable to the General Manager, will be invited to attend a meeting of Club Committee members (maximum seven (7) persons) for interview for the position of Club Vice-Captain (Captain elect).  Once the short list is decided there will be no changes. 

Ideally, there should be a minimum of two nominees for the position and after all nominees have been interviewed, the Panel will vote by ballot to determine the Committee nominee.

If there are more than two nominees AND unanimous agreement on the Committee Nominee cannot be reached, the “best two” will be identified by a ballot, or series of ballots.  ALL members of the Selection Panel will vote in each round, culminating with one final vote for their choice between the two remaining nominees.  The Committee nominee will be presented to the membership for endorsement at the Club Annual General meeting.

The Committee Nominee will be presented to the Annual General Meeting for endorsement by the membership. Members that have attained the age of 18 years on the date of the AGM have full voting rights. Once elected they shall serve in that role until the AGM the following year when, as Captain Elect, the membership will be called upon to vote them into office as Club Captain. 

In the event of a Captaincy position not being filled the appropriate Past Captain and Vice Captain’s will fulfil the representational duties under the contingency arrangements (i.e. Immediate Past Captain will serve for first six months, the incoming Vice Captain for the second six months). In such instances the cost of Captains Day competition prizes will be met from Committee funds. 

  1. Nominations for Committee

Any two members may nominate another for Committee by placing their names and the nominees name on the list that will be published on the notice board at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Serving Committee members, including sub-Committee members, may second a nomination but not propose a nomination. Any member seeking election to the Committee must attend the Annual General Meeting with either the Proposer or Seconder.  Only in exceptional circumstances will a written apology for attendance by the Nominee be acceptable, and either the Proposer or Seconder must still attend in the Nominee’s absence.  Failure to do so will void the nomination.

  1. Vacancies in Committee

The Committee may, at their discretion co-opt a member to fill a casual vacancy that may occur in their number until the following Annual General Meeting. Individuals may only be co-opted in the event of an elected member resigning or through long-term illness, which must be undertaken in a fully transparent way and notified to the membership.  In all cases of co-opted members, they will have full voting rights. 

  1. Casting Vote(s)

The Club Captain, Ladies & Seniors Chairs will each have full voting rights when chairing appropriate meetings and, in the event of a tied vote, his/her vote will also be the casting vote. In the event of the elected Chair being absent from a meeting the Committee/sub-committee member selected to act as the Chair will have the same voting rights. 

  1. Retiring Captains

The Retiring Club Captain shall be voted into office as ex-officio Immediate Past Captain for a period of one year at the Annual General Meeting immediately following his/her retirement. He/she will assist with the organisation of Social events to make full use of their expertise gained in previous years assisted by the Sub-Committee Social Organisers.

  1. Alteration of Club Rules

A motion of amendment to any part of Committee rule 9 or the enactment of a new rule or rules may only be made at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club called for the purpose, other than the structures of the Committee and Executive Committee, and Captaincy Selection Committee which is at the sole discretion of the General Manager. No such motion or amendment shall take effect unless it is affirmed by a two thirds majority of those voting.

  1. Notice of Motion

Notice of any such motion or amendment must be sent, duly proposed and seconded, in writing, to the Secretary a minimum of 21 days prior to the meeting and shall forthwith be placed on the notice board subject to ratification by the General Manager or a senior representative of the General Manager.

  1. Motion by Committee

Any motion or amendment brought by the Committee shall be considered duly proposed and seconded

  1. Committee Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for the management of all financial matters pertaining to competitions and social matters, including senior and ladies section competitions, and any other matter governed by the Committee. He/she will present regular financial summary statements to Committee meetings, keep a correct account of the financial affairs of the Committee and submit same for consideration of the membership at the Annual General Meeting, such statement having previously been independently examined and certified to that effect. Full details incorporated into Club Competition Rule 1.2

  1. Committee Secretary

The Secretary is responsible for the taking and preparation of minutes relating to the proceedings of each Committee and Executive meeting and their circulation.  He/she will act as interlocutor with management and Committee members, including sub-Committees, and be responsible for all administrative and procedural matters pertaining to Club Committees.  Minutes of meetings will be posted on the Club V1 Members App. He/she will chair Handicap Review meetings.

  1. Competition Secretary

The Club Competition Secretary and Assistant Competition Secretary are responsible for the co-ordination and effective control of all competitions offered at the club under the Rules of Golf as published by the R&A and the USGA.

  1. Handicapping

A Handicap Committee, chaired by the Committee Secretary in a non-voting capacity, consisting of the Competition Secretary, Course/Rules representative and another Committee/sub-committee member, is responsible for the co-ordination and effective management of all handicaps held at the club in accordance with the requirements of the WHS Handicapping System. If one of the named persons cannot attend the Committee Secretary will identify another Committee representative.

  1. Competitions  

a);-  Committee will administer all competitions in accordance with the published Competition & Handicapping Rules. In all disputes the Committee decisions shall be final. 

b);-  Prizes may be played for on such days as the Committee shall determine, of which due notice shall be posted on the notice board and on Club V1 (Club docs) by the Competition Secretary. Prizes will be credited to a members Golf Club account and may be used for items such as a bar bill and other goods and services at the Club, e.g. use of a golf cart, green fees and purchase of food and beverages. The General Manager reserves the right to vary the manner in which prizes are offered. Prize sheets are posted on the Club V1 Members App.

  1. Junior members in Competition

Male and Female Juniors may play in the appropriate adult competitions when the current Competition Rules allow them to do so. They must fulfil the requirements of the current Competition Rules and regularly take part in Junior Competitions. If a Junior competition is being held on the same date, then the Junior member MUST play in that competition.   Exception: Female Juniors may play in and win an EWGA Medal Competition as advised by the EWGA.

  1. Notices

All requisite notices shall be deemed to be duly given if posted on the Club notice board and/or Club V1 App. No notices, written or otherwise, shall be so posted except by Committee members 

  1. Discipline Inquiries

Members will, on occasions, be asked to attend the Club Committee or a designated sub-committee, to assist in a disciplinary inquiry.  Failure to accede to any reasonable request will result in suspension from Club Competitions until such time as they accede to the Committee request.

  1. Eligibility to enter competitions. 

It is a member’s responsibility to ensure they understand the requirements for eligibility to enter certain competitions which are detailed in the Competition and Handicapping Rule 4.8.  Newly handicapped members and players transferring from other clubs need also to be aware of the restrictions to their eligibility to win prizes as detailed under Club Competition & Handicapping Rules 3.10 and 3.13 respectively.

10. Members’ Guests

Member’s guests may only use the Clubs’ course and facilities if accompanied by the introducing member. No playing guest may be introduced more than six times in one calendar year and no member may introduce as a guest any person who has been expelled from membership or whose conduct or presence shall, in the opinion of the General Manager, be prejudicial to the club.  Playing guests must be competent golfers or in possession of a WHS Handicap Index, comply with the dress standards of the Club and all playing guests’ green fees must be paid before commencement of play. If it is discovered that a guest has not paid the appropriate green fee before commencing the round, a charge for that amount may be applied to the introducing member’s account.

11. Children & Young People

The Club has adopted the Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures including Codes of Conduct applicable to Adult and Younger members of the Club alike.  The Policy document is available in the Clubhouse and the Short Guide for Members is available on the Club V1 Members App and has been posted in the clubhouse. The General Manager is responsible for administering the policy. The Club Professional is the nominated Safeguarding Officer, and a Club Welfare Officer has been appointed. 

In the interest of safety, children under the age of 12, are not allowed onto the golf course as players or spectators, unless they are considered competent golfers by the Professional staff.  Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult whenever visiting the Club. Children must not be left at the club without an accompanying adult once the club premises are closed.

If a junior member wishes to play in an adult competition the Competition Secretary or Assistant Competition Secretary will ensure the Safeguarding requirements are met before agreeing the requ        

12.        Visiting Players

The General Manager reserves the right to allow visitors the use of the golf course and Club facilities on payment of the relevant green fees to be announced by the General Manager from time to time.

13.        Complaints

Complaints or grievances concerning any matters affecting the Club shall be made in writing to the Committee Secretary who will act on behalf of the General Manager. (See Discipline and Grievances guidelines for detailed information). 

14. Club Opening Hours and Functions

The General Manager may use its discretion to open or close the Clubhouse or golf course or any part thereof for any period and for any purpose, which they may consider necessary or desirable, including maintenance, redecoration, or refurbishment, and will always try to give reasonable notice of its intentions.  No member shall be entitled to a refund of annual subscription or any other compensation in the event of closure of the golf course or Clubhouse.

On occasions the General Manager may set aside facilities for social and sporting events, temporarily closing certain areas to members.

15. Payment of Bills

All members are required to settle dining and bar bills as they are incurred, and before leaving the Clubhouse.

16. Amendment of the Rules

The General Manager may revoke or amend the Rules to the extent that it considers necessary for the efficient and smooth running of the Club.

17. Interpretation of the Rules

The General Manager shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of all Club Rules.

18. Rules of Golf, Dress and Etiquette and Behaviour

Players will always abide by the regulations and rules of the game of golf adapted from time to time by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club, St Andrews, the County Union, the English Golf Union and the Standard Scratch Score and Handicapping Scheme 1983 (as revised), together with such Local Rules as the General Manager shall from time to time determine.  Members and their guest will always be required to dress in accordance with the dress code, in the Clubhouse and on the golf course. 

Details of the dress code are published on the Club V1 Members App, in the Club Diary and displayed in the Clubhouse and a copy may be obtained from the General Manager. The clubhouse lounge is classed as a Spike Bar during the summer months however, wet-suits etc. are NOT allowed in the lounge areas at any time.

In the event of a dispute, any decision as to the appropriateness of dress will be at the discretion of the management.

The General Manager shall be entitled to lay down rules concerning pace of play to ensure the etiquette of golf is upheld.

All persons using the golf course and Clubhouse agree to abide by the relevant Code of Conduct contained within the Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and shall always comply with the highest standards of conduct and shall do nothing to bring the Club into disrepute.  No member or guest shall conduct himself or herself in such a way as to offend or embarrass a fellow member, guest or employee of the Club.

19. Change of Address

Members are responsible for informing the Club of any change of address and/or contact data to which all notices shall be sent by post, e-mail or text.   All personal data will be handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies in the UK, tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018.

20. Financial Liability

A member shall not be liable or responsible for any of the liabilities of the Club by reason solely of membership subject to the Rules, except for payment of a joining fee where applicable upon becoming a member, and the annual subscriptions as specified in Rule 6.

21. Liability

Personal belongings, valuables, cash and other articles of any kind whatsoever left in the Clubhouse or anywhere else on the Club premises are at the owner’s risk and neither the General Manager nor the Club shall be responsible for any loss or damage thereto, however caused.

Neither the General Manager nor the Club shall be responsible for loss or damage to vehicles or property left in the car park or elsewhere on the Club premises.

The use of CCTV in the clubhouse and car park is required for the purposes of prevention and detection of crime, ascertaining damage to property and for protecting the safety of members and visitors. It will not be used for any other purposes, in compliance with the GDPR.

Neither the General Manager nor the Club shall be responsible for any damage, injury or loss occurring at the club or at any activity or function operated, organised, arranged or sponsored by the General Manager or the Club caused by any acts or omissions of any member or guest introduced into the Club. Any such member or guest shall indemnify the General Manager and the Club against any liability for such damage, injury or loss incurred by the General Manager or the Club in any court proceedings.  

Any member, guest or other person who in any manner makes use or accepts the use of any apparatus, facility, privilege or services of the Club, or who engages in any game, exercise, competition, or any other activity operated, organised, arranged or sponsored by the Club shall do so at their own risk, and shall hold the General Manager, the Club, officers, employees, representatives and agents of the General Manager and Club harmless from any loss, cost, injury, damage or any other liability sustained and/or resulting from any act of a General Manager, officer, employee or agent of the General Manager or the Club save where any such liability cannot be excluded in law.

The Club, officers, employees, representatives and agents thereof shall not be responsible or liable to any member or their guest for any articles brought onto the club premises

22. Mobile Telephones

All mobile phones should be restricted to Silent mode whilst carried on the course and only used for voice calls in case of emergency.  They may be used to access the R&A App and input of digital scores. 

23. Social Media

Employees and members are responsible for the content they publish on social media and should use good judgment. Employees and members should be mindful that the things they say or do on social media are publicly available and searchable and may be forever accessible, which can be then associated to the Company. 

Comments, expressions, and other postings on social media must be honest and respectful of others; respect confidential, personal, and proprietary information; and comply with applicable laws and Company policies.  

Violation(s) of the social media policy will be subjective to progressive discipline, up to and including termination of employment or membership

24. Gambling

The Club shall not be used for betting, gambling or any unlawful games, in contravention of the Gaming Acts.

25. Food and Drink

No food or drink, alcoholic or otherwise, may be brought into or consumed within the Club or its grounds unless purchased from the Club.

26. Smoking

Is not permitted, by law, in any part of the Clubhouse premises. (This includes Vaping products)

4th March 2024      

(Endorsed by J O’Neill, General Manager)

Mersey Valley Golf & Country Club, Warrington Rd, Bold Heath, Widnes WA8 3XL

Tel: 0151 424 6060

